Nicholson Fitness
  • Testimonials

    Lee Allison

    “Jeff is more than just a trainer.  He is a friend and partner helping me achieve my fitness goals. His positive energy and sense of humor make our sessions really enjoyable.  And he has at least one special talent that makes him better than other trainers out there.. he listens.”

    Michelle Greathouse

    “I am so grateful for you for taking the time to create a weight-training program for me, as well as a killer abs workout. Before training with you I was feeling a little nervous about my upcoming photo shoot. Your attentive coaching and your consideration to my specific training needs quickly curbed my anxiety. I had doubts about getting in the shape I wanted for the photo shoot in such a short amount of time but YOU changed everything! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!

    The day I had my photo shoot I felt soooo good. “Oh, you want me to get in a bathing suit? No problem!” “You need me in a sports bra and shorts? No problem!” Never have I felt more comfortable. It was so exciting to feel that good and confident. My confidence was validated when I saw the final photographs. I had so many emotions: happy, excited, and proud. I want to show my pictures to EVERYONE!! I am so proud of them.

    I am so happy and grateful to have you as a trainer. I truly couldn’t have done this without you. Thank you so much for sharing your training secrets with me, but most of all, thank you for caring so much. Everyone who wants not only to get in shape but also feel good both physically and mentally should train with you. You go beyond just getting the physical body in shape. You have also put me in shape mentally. I feel so fabulous!!”

    Bill Partin

    “I wanted to let you know how much your advice helped me in the marathon!  The stretching you showed me helped me run totally pain free!  I truly appreciate your help!”

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